of the saddest things is the number of people that misunderstand fearful dogs
and in trying to make things better for their dogs they actually make it worse.
Fearful dogs are nearly always lacking strong pack leaders, and their owners
are often the kindest and gentlest people! They want nothing more than to see
their dog live the kind of life that all the other dogs are living, happy, fun
and free.
they fail to recognize is that their dog is actually scared because the owner
is giving them the message that they are the pack leader. Their dog like many
is not able to handle the pressure, nor should they be expected to.
me describe a scenario. If you are 4 years old and find yourself in a dark wood
with your younger sister and there is a strange noise or a person coming
towards you then you may very well be afraid. However if one of your parents
were there with you though, then everything would be fine. That is because you
would not be in charge! This is how it is for your dog when you make them the
pack leader. They are terrified and just want to get home safe and alive.
the responsibility is on your dog’s shoulders and they are not able to handle
it in this human world. There are far too many strange things for them to make
decisions about all the time. Eventually they will snap unless you help them.
help your dog you must first become the pack leader and I suggest that the best
way to do this is through watching video rather than reading about it. Here are
a few things that you should remember when working with a fearful dog.
can change but will struggle if you try to push it too fast
must become the pack leader – There are some great videos sites now that show
you exactly how to become the pack leader, don’t just read about it
your friends to ignore your dog when they first meet her
should not approach your dog but wait until she is calm and then call her over.
she doesn’t come over then she is too scared and you must leave her alone.
good video based web site will show you exactly how to put all of this into
place through the use of video so you can sit back, watch and learn.
yourself as the pack leader is the foundation to any success with fearful dogs.
Until you recognize this you and put it in place you will never be in a
position to help your dog.
of the best sites around is The Online Dog trainer. It has fantastic videos on
establishing yourself as the pack leader and also shows you how to give
confidence to fearful dogs. CLICK HERE:
are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog
to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. Understanding
their importance is critical to achieving rapid results that are long lasting
and help develop the bond between you and your dog.
first is simple; you must win your dogs mind. If you don’t achieve this first
then you will be struggling the all the way. When I talk about winning your
dogs mind what I really mean is that your dog looks to you for all the
decisions. Before you do anything else watch one of the amazing video sites
that show you the 5 Golden rules to establishing yourself as the pack leader.
If you aren’t putting these in place then you are setting yourself up to fail.
Just at the crucial point where you really want your dog to listen they will go
and do their own thing. For sure your dog may play ball occasionally or even
most of the time, you may even have a dog that is obedient 99% of the time,
however if you want a dog who always listens to you and does as you ask then
you need to win your dogs mind.
second key to success is to motivate your dog. It is really important that you
discover what it is that your dog enjoys both in terms of exercise and play but
also in terms of a reward. If you can make the experience enjoyable then you
will both achieve more and look forward to training.
dogs love to fetch, others love agility, and other dogs simply love obedience
training, or swimming out into water and retrieve. At least to start with find
out what your dogs love is and help them develop this, what I am saying is work
with your dog. The other point to recognize is to make training enjoyable
reward your dog.
three main rewards are:
anything from a single dry biscuit to a whole piece of sausage!
pats, cuddles, lots of high verbal praise
games, throwing a stick or object, chasing your dog etc
dog is always going to work harder if you are fair in your training. Even if
you do not want to use food you should make sure that you use affection
accordingly when your dog does well
you want to use food rewards then always follow these simple tips:
vary food rewards
not give food rewards every time
let your dog know what the reward is
your dog doesn’t come first time then do not give them the reward
third key to achieving perfection is practice! Learning how to encourage
behavior that is closer to what you want than the last is the third key to
success. Again this is where rewards come in so handy! Motivate and then show
your dog what it is that you want and there is no need for any negative
of the best sites that shows you all of this and more is The Online DogTrainer, put together by top Dog Trainer, Doggy Dan.
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